dinsdag 13 maart 2012

Task Scheduler failed to start: Error Value: 2147943645

We have a script scheduled using the Task Scheduler. Now we realised however that the script hadn't run for a while.

when analyzing the scheduled task, we couldn't find any issue... the task was currently running.
However, when we reveiwed the history of the task we noticed there was an error each time it tried to run the task.
The error just said : 'Task Scheduler failed to start "YourScript" task for user "yourUser". Additional Data: Error Value: 2147943645.'

The error message doesn't say much useful. But what does it mean?
Turned out the solution was quite simple: it just means you are trying to run a job with the “Run only when user is logged on” flag set.

This also explains why the job was running succesfully when we checked the task, since we were logged in as the configured user. A real simple solution for a meaningless error message.

17 opmerkingen:

  1. I would probably have taken forever to resolve this problem without your help. Thank you!

  2. Thank you !
    But why does Microsoft alwys have meaningless error messages ? They should hire real programmers.

  3. Yes, i see that, it sound's logical.

  4. Yes, i see that, it sound's logical.

  5. Awesome thanks!
    This was exactly my issue. I had a seperate user for running the task. They got logged out somehow, when i was trying to trouble shoot it i was logged in as me and not that user.

  6. This saved me so much time, after i ran out of ideas. Thanks you so much!!!

  7. Thank you! Perfect fix for a stupid Microsoft error number!

  8. Thankyou. So that's why it didn't ask me for the password when I was setting up the Task

  9. Run only wheb user is loffed on

  10. > A real simple solution for a meaningless error message.

    Beside the soplution, I celebrate this final scentences.
    thx bud!

  11. > A real simple solution for a meaningless error message.
    > Perfect fix for a stupid Microsoft error number!

    Hear hear! I really seriously wonder why those nerds at Microsoft can't program meaningfull errors. Or do they communicate in chunks of numbers in normal life as well?
